Flood mitigation money helped turn drainages into a Bicycling Network."
Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
Hat tip to Virginia Bicycling Federation.Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
Hat tip to Virginia Bicycling Federation.Links to companies mentioned in article:A number of fledgling companies like ZoomSafer, Aegis Mobility and obdEdge employ systems that place restrictions on phones based on the phone’s GPS signal, data from the car itself or from nearby cellphone towers. Any incoming calls are then routed to voice mail or a message explaining that the phone’s owner is driving. Exceptions can be made for certain numbers.
Passengers in cars can override such systems, but in many cases doing so automatically sends an e-mail message to the account administrator — say, a parent or employer — alerting them that the cellphone is in use.
Aegis Mobility
obdEdge at CellControl.com
Bicyclists and motorists basically have the same rights and duties, and the laws governing traffic regulation apply equally to both. Learn more at Virginia.gov.
...will dedicate these funds for bicycling education initiatives within Virginia...
Learn more at VBF.