Last SSDD was in 2010

Please visit, the Shore Drive Community Coalition website.

SSDD2010 July 17th

Thanks to everyone who participated.

With your help, we've made sharing Shore Drive a little safer.

+ blog starts below +


What is a crosswalk?

From Sharing the Road in Virginia:
Crosswalks may be marked or painted on the highway.

Crosswalks occur wherever sidewalks meet the street and where streets intersect. The code of Virginia defines this type of crosswalk an "unmarked crosswalk".
Code of Virginia § 46.2-294


Be safe today!

Listen to the cyclists leading and sweeping.

Walk on sidewalks and crosswalks only.


Come Join Circle in The Bridge of The King's Daughters for Share Shore Drive Day

Circle in The Bridge of The Kings Daughters is a fund-raising circle for CHKD. Whitney Hulce was a member of this group before her life was tragically cut short on Shore Drive. Circle in the Bridge are big supporters of Share Shore Drive Day 2010.

Anyone who like to walk in Whitney’s memory are asked to join on July 17th, 2010. The group will meet at the Lynnhaven Boat Ramp and Beach on Lynnhaven Promenade at 10am. The group will walk down Shore Drive and stop and have lunch at Shore Break and then back to the Lynnhaven Boat Ramp. Please come out and celebrate Whitney’s life and raise awareness for pedestrian safety on Shore Drive!

Any memorial contributions for Whitney Hulce can be brought with you or mailed to:
Circle in the Bridge of the King’s Daughters
929 Hanbury Court
Chesapeake, VA 23322

Link to map of walk.

Cycling Cue Sheet - Start/End at Kokoamos

Be at Kokoamos by about 7am. Helmets required.

View Larger Map


Walking for SSDD?

Carry a camera with you, like your cell phone, and take pics of places that need upgraded.

Want a crosswalk, lights, sidewalk "there"?

Take a pic, email it to us, Comment below, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, where ever. Just get it to us. If it's a link, let us know, and we'll help make the world know.

One pic for inspiration:


Have a safe 4th sharing Shore Drive

How are plans coming together to come out on July 17th?

If you aren't cycling - and don't have any organized running events you're attending, why not gather with your friends and come out in the morning and run Shore Drive?