Last SSDD was in 2010

Please visit, the Shore Drive Community Coalition website.

SSDD2010 July 17th

Thanks to everyone who participated.

With your help, we've made sharing Shore Drive a little safer.

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Come out to Kokoamos to "Save Lives on Shore Drive" and get T-shirts that will be great to wear on SSDD.

From Increase Pedestrian Safety on Shore Drive FB Group about SAVE LIVES on SHORE DRIVE BLOCK PARTY:
Don't forget you are all invited to come out to the SAVE LIVES on SHORE DRIVE BLOCK PARTY this Thursday night at Kokoamo's. 6:00 pm - 10:00. There will be T-SHIRTS for only $10.00. Blue for Dobbie, Pink for Whitney and Yellow for Safety. These shirts will be great for showing our support for the SHARE SHORE DRIVE DAY on July 17th.