Last SSDD was in 2010

Please visit, the Shore Drive Community Coalition website.

SSDD2010 July 17th

Thanks to everyone who participated.

With your help, we've made sharing Shore Drive a little safer.

+ blog starts below +


What would you give up for safer roads

Get inspired. Listen to the 30 minute program.

Road rage incident that could be the tipping point for action

From's story about the ER Doctor who was convicted of using his car as a weapon against two cyclists.
The impact severed Peterson's nose and separated Stoehr's shoulder. Christopher Thomas Thompson, the driver of the car and a former emergency room doctor, was arrested and put on trial. The jury found him guilty of six felonies, including assault with a deadly weapon: his car. Thompson now faces 10 years in prison.
Follow NPR's series On The Road to Safety.


How a city became bike friendly

"In 2008 Boulder devoted 46% of its transportation budget to Bikes, Transit + Pedestrians.

Flood mitigation money helped turn drainages into a Bicycling Network."

Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.

Hat tip to Virginia Bicycling Federation.

Cell phone tools can block use while vehicle is moving

Including controls for texting and calling, from
[free subscription required to read entire article]

A number of fledgling companies like ZoomSafer, Aegis Mobility and obdEdge employ systems that place restrictions on phones based on the phone’s GPS signal, data from the car itself or from nearby cellphone towers. Any incoming calls are then routed to voice mail or a message explaining that the phone’s owner is driving. Exceptions can be made for certain numbers.

Passengers in cars can override such systems, but in many cases doing so automatically sends an e-mail message to the account administrator — say, a parent or employer — alerting them that the cellphone is in use.

Links to companies mentioned in article:
Aegis Mobility
obdEdge at


Cycling accident while riding east bound on Shore Drive

Last week there was another serious cycling accident.

What can be shared now, a car cut off a cyclist with a "right hook". Cyclist has suffered a Class 3 Concussion, several broken ribs and an eye injury. He was also hospitalized for a period of time.

He uses his bike to commute and was hit west of Independence Blvd.


Pedestrian Mr. Arnold Lee Jones died from his injuries

He was hit attempting to cross Shore Drive. Tragic. That was the 5th death in the Croakers - Don Julios - Salty Dog block since 1996.



In depth vid about texting while driving

If you have new drivers in the house, or you've texted while driving even only once, maybe you've known you've spent too much time looking at your cell phone - please, save a life, watch this video.

Watch it at
Watch it at


Refine & Refresh Your Cycling Skills

Become Confident | Safe | Legal

October 23, 5-8pm – Classroom training
October 24, 9am-2pm – On-the-bike skills training
(helmets required)
9547 Shore Drive, Norfolk, VA

Nationally-certified Trainers:
Bruce Drees, Stephanie Smith, & Tommy White
Cost: $30, includes materials. Space is limited!

For more information: Tommy White @ (757) 971-0951 or

Traffic Skills 101*

Learn to be visible and predictable. Learn to avoid crashes and falls, ride in traffic &
in groups...and more. Ride confidently and safely for transportation, fitness & recreation.


Texting while driving a federal vehicle is banned

One of the outcomes of the Distracted Driving Summit, from
As a first step, LaHood said President Barack Obama signed an executive order late Wednesday banning all federal workers from texting while driving on government business, driving government vehicles or using government equipment.


Texting while driving video Part 2 of 2

Part 1 of 2 posted here.

Talk to your Delegate to get law changed to help cyclists

Thanks to Bill DeSteph's work on pushing for changes in Commonwealth Law to improve cycling safety.

Open the PDF from to read Virginia Beach's 2010 Adopted Legislative Agenda. [52 page PDF]

It includes:

Council Member Bill DeSteph

Background Information:

State law currently provides that a driver shall not follow a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the speed of both vehicles and the traffic and highway conditions. The law does not, however, prohibit following too closely behind a bicycle.

Add bicycles to the list of vehicles for which it is illegal to follow too closely. See Appendix
Item 1 (page 35) for text of the requested legislative change.

Council Member Bill DeSteph

Background Information:

State law currently provides that a driver overtaking a bicycle shall pass at least two feet to the left of the overtaken bicycle and not proceed to the right side of the highway until safely clear of the overtaken bicycle. A nationwide movement on behalf of bicyclists has sought to broaden the clearing distance to three feet, and such changes have been enacted in several other states. This change would better protect the safety of both bicyclists and motorists.

Change the passing distance from two feet to three feet. See Appendix Item 2 (page 36) for text of the requested legislative change.
Try using to find out who your Legislator is so you can contact them.
Virginia General Assembly Official Page.

Distracted Driving Summit in DC today & tomorrow

UPDATE: They are taking questions & answering LIVE at The Official Page.
[Lower right corner on that page.]

According to the Seattle Times:
Opening a government meeting on auto safety, the Obama administration reported Wednesday that nearly 6,000 people were killed and a half-million injured last year in vehicle crashes connected to driver distraction, a striking indication of the dangers of using mobile devices behind the wheel.
The Official Page at

We added their Twitter feed in the right column >


The City has received a complaint about Mr. Hersh's ghost bike

The headline should read instead, "The City has received a request to take down Mr. Hersh's ghost bike". There is new information. [Posted 9.24.09 @ 9:42am]

From an email it was stated:
Normally, when we receive calls on these things, we try to contact whoever put it there to talk with them about removing it since it is technically not legal in the right-of-way rather than just removing it ourselves.
Please, share your comments below.

Today is World Carfree Day

From their site:
Every September 22, people from around the world get together in the streets, intersections, and neighbourhood blocks to remind the world that we don't have to accept our car-dominated society.
If it's impossible for you not to drive today, please take extra special care to share.

A teenage texter who killed talks on video, Part 1 of 2

Texting is deadlier than drinking and driving - Utah toughens their law

"In terms of accident risk, you're more likely to be hit by someone who's text messaging than someone who's drunk," Strayer says. "And that's a pretty alarming statistic."
Head to to listen to the audio and more importantly, to watch the entire video.

More about the Reggie Shaw case & video, and Utah's tougher law at
The new law, which took effect in May, penalizes a texting driver who causes a fatality as harshly as a drunken driver who kills someone. In effect, a crash caused by such a multitasking motorist is no longer considered an “accident” like one caused by a driver who, say, runs into another car because he nodded off at the wheel. Instead, such a crash would now be considered inherently reckless.


The Hampton Roads Cyclist feed added here

We welcome & applaud Mr. Bruce Drees for sharing his RSS feed here.
[It's over there > in the right column.]

More about Bruce:

My name is Bruce and I’ve lived in Virginia Beach since 1978. I cycle a pretty wide swath of Virginia every year, from the oceans to the highlands. I own three bikes: a 2005 Cannondale R3000 road bike and a 2006 Cannondale T2000, which I use for loaded touring and commuting, and a 2008 CoMotion Speedster (tandem).

As with many cyclists, the author is a composite form – part roadie, long haul trucker, and trail rider. I make it a point to cycle as many different parts of our area as I can and in recent years have logged between 5-7K miles annually. I started this site in order to capture and share what I and many other local cyclists know about our area.

His advocacy work for safe cycling has been consistent & influential beyond his modest claims. Take advantage of Bruce's dedication & contact him to learn how to ride safer! He is one of Hampton Road's only certified League Cycling Instructors!

Thanks for sharing Bruce.

Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization Program Priorities Survey

From Bruce...
The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO) has developed this survey to gather public opinion and thoughts on the importance of certain transportation project criteria for the Project Prioritization and Selection Process methodology currently being developed. This survey will be available from September 17 - 30, 2009. Results will be tabulated and available to the public. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes:
Click to start the survey
Learn more about Hampton Road Transportation Planning Organization.


More comments about children riding bikes

From Cape Story Neighborhood Watch:
I received the following responses from other residents. The first one is really scary.
#1. I have to respond as I also saw these children riding to the playground 3 weeks ago, and one was nearly struck by a car. I ran out in front of the oncoming car while yelling loudly, to stop the car so it would not hit the child, who looked to be about 3 years old, and was with 3 other kids aged 4-7. If I see these children again I will try to find out who their parents are, as it was a very near miss (and not the car's fault, in my opinion, though cars need to be cautious), and children this young should not be unsupervised.
#2. Where are the parents?....the child does have the right of way but the child staring and
daring is not an accepted part of the formula, child or not.....get out of car, ask them
where they live and tell the parent.....simple solution, or call social services.....that always work
#3. The parents of these children need to accept responsibility for the safety of their children.
I prefer not to publish any additional comments regarding the safety of these children. Hopefully some of these children's parents will see these emails and react accordingly. No one wants to have a child in danger.

Artwork by Anna Miranda

From VBF's post "Bring on the Love: Cyclist & Pedestrian Awareness Week":

Teach kids about bike safety, please!

From Cape Story Neighborhood Watch:
"Dear Neighborhood Watch,
I understand that our children really need a place to play and ride their bikes. However I am very worried that we may have a repeat bike accident as we had on Beech about a year ago. I need for everyone to know that there are some very young children about ages 4-7 riding their bikes in an unsafe way without supervision on Beech St. On Saturday one of these children about age 4 or 5 years old steered their bike in front of my moving car. I had to slam on the brakes. Then he stayed there daring me to move forward. I am really very worried that someone else may not see them or stop. So parents would you please watch your very young children when they are out on the street and give them instruction on bike riding safety? I am sure we can work together to make this a safer neighborhood for everyone.
Thanks, A concerned resident."

David Byrne on cycling

An article today at WSJ:
As someone who has used a bicycle to get around New York for about 30 years I've watched the city—mainly Manhattan, where I live—change for better and for worse.
And his designs for bike racks:

An article in NY Times in May:
Full disclosure: I’ve ridden a bike around New York as my principal means of transport for 30 years, so I’m inclined to sympathize with the idea that a cycling revolution is upon us, and that it’s a good thing.
His book, Bicycle Diaries, is out soon:
...and the radical new ways that some cities, like his home town, are becoming more bike-friendly — all conveyed with a highly personal mix of humor, curiosity, and humanity.


Hampton Roads area now has three new League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors

Congratulations to the new certified instructors!
After considerable effort including passing a rigorous course in bike-ed hosted by Greensboro, NC’s planning district commission, the Hampton Roads area now has three new League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructors (LCI for short):

Tommy White- Norfolk
Bruce Drees- Virginia Beach
Stephanie Smith- Williamsburg

Here is a brief description of the L.A.B. education curriculum.

In addition to starting up some courses to help bring about safer and better cycling, one of our first goals is getting more instructors certified to teach in our area. If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact me!
Leave a comment if you want to help with a clinic on Shore Drive whether it's help sponsoring one, or volunteering.


Article about cyclist who went off Pungo Ferry Bridge inspires many comments

Read & comment at
The 18-year-old cyclist took a tumble off the concrete span Sunday morning, falling what rescuers estimate was 35 to 50 feet to the marsh below. He came out of it with a fractured shoulder blade - and not much more.
As of 11:03am it is the most read and most commented article at
That should help raise more awareness for Cycling & Pedestrian Awareness Week!


Report on Biking and Walking Resources in Virginia

From BikeWalk Virginia:
BikeWalk Virginia just completed research to provide the first ever comprehensive picture of the current state of biking and walking planning, resources, accommodations, and safety in the State of Virginia.
In all, study findings supports that more work needs to take place to include biking and walking into the transportation picture. Injury and fatality data shows that more can be done to improve the safety of Virginia roadways for non-motorized users. Not only is inclusion of biking and walking an important part of the transportation needs of Virginia, it is also beneficial for the health of both residents and the environment.
Be sure to follow the link that includes info about the study, Pedestrian & Bicycle Legislation in the General Assembly, Potential Funding for Pedestrian & Bicycle Projects in the Federal Economic Recovery Bill, recommended actions you can take, and more.


Bruce Drees, TBA's respected Advocacy guru has a piece in the Pilot today

Read the entire piece at his website:
Cities with extensive growth in bike use often see their crash totals hold steady or even decrease. For example, ridership in New York City recently increased from 100,000 to 180,000 a day through bike friendly improvements, yet their number of injuries and fatalities decreased. The same trend has been noted elsewhere. Evidence suggests the more cyclists around, the better everyone does in being alert and working together.

Cars and bikes are compatible to the extent we are willing to make them so.


Help promote Cycling & Pedestrian Awareness Week

This should be every week! The "event" is September 13th - 20th.

Did you know:
Just last year 90 people died walking or cycling on our Virginia roadways. In addition, 716 cyclists and 1,696 pedestrians were injured. A single death or injury is one too many. Increasing knowledge of roadway regulations and safe behaviors may help reduce those numbers.
We all know, that tragically, Shore Drive is the deadliest road in Virginia Beach. Please! Do your part in making it safer everyday by sharing the road respectfully & wisely.

When all users of the transportation system know the law and respect their mutual rights and responsibilities, sharing the road is safe and predictable.

Check info & get materials from Drive Smart Virginia.
Check info & get materials from Sharing The Road In Virginia.


Resolution recognizing bicycle accomodations will be presented to City Council on August 25th

Va Beach City Council member Rosemary Wilson recently introduced a resolution which recognizes the safety and other advantages of on-road bicycle accomodations, ie. bike lanes, wide curb lanes, shoulders, or signed/marked shared roadways.

Most importantly, it also signifies council's support for inclusion in future major road improvement projects where ever feasible, as well as a look at and backfit of on-road bike facilities within existing roadways. This would be done in a cost effective manor on a priority basis determined by the Public Works department in consultation with the Bikeways and Trails Advisory Committee.

The resolution is on council's agenda for a vote on Tuesday, August 25th at 6pm. Council chambers are located at City Hall Bldg 1, second floor.

This is the moment we've waited on for nearly two decades. It is a giant leap toward a better cycling environment in VB. However, to get the resolution passed we need a significant show of support from each and every cyclist in the city.

Please come show your support for on-road bike facilities at Tuesday's council session. Let's fill every seat and the adjacent hallway too. I am working on two or three speakers on behalf of the resolution in the event it doesn't make the consent agenda.

Ride safe and I hope to see everyone at City Hall this Tuesday night!

p.s. Questions or concerns- please contact me at 757.647.3987 or mailto:

A GPS run/walk/ride as an idea for an event

Running, walking, riding, sharing and arting as an idea for an event that includes gpsin'.

This sounds cooler than geocaching.
Part sport, part art, GPS drawing lets runners, walkers, cyclists and hikers imagine themselves... neo-cartographers, jumbo-size doodlers and bipedal pencils, mapping their track lines[.]
Article at
With EveryTrail, sharing your trip experiences has become a lot more fun: using a GPS device you can easily plot the exact path you traveled on an interactive map, with your photos positioned on the map at the exact location you took them.
A cool gallery of someone doing this for 10 years.

How cool & appropriate would it be to include this in our Columbus Day Weekend event?


Daily ride in Tijuana, Bicyclists Ride To Make Streets Safe

Thanks to Bruce for the tip to this story at NPR.

I've spent a lot of time in Mexico, and this is not like any other event I've ever seen. Not only does it start exactly on time, the organizers are sticklers for safety and follow every rule of the road.

They have monitors all along the route. They stop at every red light, and everyone has to wear a helmet.

If you've ever been to Tijuana, and rode a taxi blazing down a sidewalk because the streets were "too crowded", you know what a challenge this daily ride must be!


Community evaluation of speed limit reduction on Shore Drive

The following survey is being sponsored by the Cape Story by the Sea Civic Association (CSBTS), Cape Henry Shores Civic Association (CHSCA)and Shore Drive Community Coalition (SDCC).

The survey will be used to help determine the effectiveness of the temporary speed limit reduction from 45 mph to 35 mph along Shore Drive between Great Neck Road and First Landing State Park.
If you share Shore Drive, please, take the online survey now!
Get started > Survey Background & Instruction Page.


Virginia Cyclist & Pedestrian Awareness Week Sept 13-20

From BikeWalk Virginia:
Partner with us for Virginia Cyclist and Pedestrian Awareness Week!

September 13-20, 2009

BikeWalk Virginia and Drive Smart Virginia are partnering to raise awareness of safe practices that help make roadways safer for all users!

Just last year over 90 people died and 2,300 people were injured while biking and walking on Virginia Roads. Collisions can be reduces and even prevented in many instances by following simple guidelines.

If you, your business, or your organization would like to be part of the Bike/Ped Awareness Week network, please contact us by phone or email. We will provide you with a toolkit, list of event ideas, and other resources. Visit us again soon for downloadable files.
Everyone Uses the Roads:

Some people drive because it is the most convenient mode of transportation. They might want to bike or walk at times but decide not to because they are concerned about their safety. Other people don’t own a car or can’t drive a vehicle so they must bike, walk, or use public transportation. Still others choose to bicycle or walk to keep the air clean and neighborhoods quiet, save fuel, and improve health.

Despite the mode of transportation, Virginia’s citizens and visitors have a right to safely share the Commonwealth’s transportation network to get to neighborhoods, parks, schools, stores, churches, and businesses.

Note: posted this message in its entirety as there was no direct link on their website to it. Emphasis was added by us.


Shore Drive speed limit change comments needed now

From TBA:
Shore Drive Speed Limit- Comments Needed

On Aug. 3rd Virginia Beach lowered the speed limit from 45 mph to 35 mph on Shore Drive between N. Great Neck Rd and the state park. This is a temporary change while a road safety audit is being conducted. If you biked this section before and have since the new speed limit was instituted, TBA would like to hear your comments regarding the change. This is a very fast moving issue, and we would appreciate a response by Sep. 3rd in order that it may be given full consideration. Please contact TBA advocacy chair Bruce Drees by email or 757.647.3987.


Create your own bike lane lighting system

Saw the idea in an email about a month ago but never found a link until now.

From this World Changing post:

That seems to help sharing the road easier as the cyclist would be more visible at night.

Check out design for their lighting system coming out soon.


Cyclists are important users of transportation systems

From Fastlane article Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said:
I hope they were pleasantly surprised because I am committed to investing in programs that encourage bikes to coexist with other modes and to safely share our roads and bridges. And there’s strong support in Congress for these goals as well.
Fastlane - The Official Blog of the U.S. Secretary of Transportation.
Hattip from this article on a call for a Distracted Driving Summit.


Streit's article about Tour de Virginia Beach

Read & comment on article at

The ride was organized by McKay and City Councilman Bill DeSteph, an avid cyclist. Councilwoman Rosemary Wilson also participated.

“It’s all about awareness,” DeSteph said. “Some folks on bikes think they always have the right-of-way and some folks in cars think cyclists shouldn’t be on the road.”

Advocacy for increased safety measures for cyclists and pedestrians – particularly through the Shore Drive corridor – have steadily gained steam since the April death of Daniel Hersh, who was struck and killed on an early morning ride on Shore Drive.


John Streit's article about speed limit change in the Beacon today

The change comes after increased activism from groups such as the Shore Drive Community Coalition and local civic leagues, as well as July 11’s Share Shore Drive Day awareness bike ride.
Head to to check out article.


Sharing is far more important than multi-tasking

A 2003 DOT study just released shows how dangerous multi-tasking is while driving.

NYTimes article about just released data plus link to official "buried" report.

“We nevertheless have concluded that the use of cellphones while driving has contributed to an increasing number of crashes, injuries and fatalities,” according to a “talking points” memo the researchers compiled in July 2003.

It added: “We therefore recommend that the drivers not use wireless communication devices, including text messaging systems, when driving, except in an emergency.”
Certainly something to think about as you are sharing the road whether you are walking, cycling or driving. Maybe banning all cell phone use on Shore Drive would increase safety. What do you think?


First pics from Tour de Virginia Beach

What did you do today to advocate adding bike lanes to Shore Drive?

Nathan, 11, rode with his dad & us from Kokoamos, to Shore Drive, Ocean Front, First Colonial, Great Neck back to Kokoamos. Max, Peanut & a couple hundred of their friends joined them. Special thanks to the Virginia Beach Police Department.
See ya next time!

154 pics in a different slideshow posted, unedited. Video coming too.


Be interviewed at Tour de Virginia Beach

Let your voice be heard!

Before, safely during & after there will be opportunities for you to be on video or if you prefer, audio only to share your voice to the conversation of adding bike lanes, sharing the road & the importance of riding, running & walking safely.

Media will be there as well.

See ya Sunday!

There could be some surprises for ya too.


New addition to our Elsewhere Links, The Hampton Roads Cyclist

Check out The Hampton Roads Cyclist to view:
...information about bicycling in the southeastern Virginia region. Whether you are a resident or a visitor to our area, you will find information concerning points of interest, advocacy, and local conditions affecting bike safety. The focus is mainly on south side Hampton Roads, with extensions into newsworthy topics over on the peninsula.
Elsewhere Links to right column, over there > > >

Some of you leaving Kokoamos at SSDD 1


WAVY, WVEC & Pilot coverage of lower speed limit on Shore Drive

From, one comment sez:
In lieu of having patrols every 1/4 mile, lowering the speed limit is but one option in forcing people to drive in a safe manner. I drive both Shore Dr. and N. Great Neck Rd frequently; most drivers are hurtling down the road at 55...some morons go faster, weaving in and out of the two lanes of traffic. Since people cannot police themselves, the powers that be do it for them. And no, I don't ride a bike, nor do I own one.
"16 or 20 seconds is nothing." ~ Bill DeSteph

Check out WVEC coverage & comment.
Check out WAVY coverage & comment. Topic Shore Drive Safety Issues.


FAQ on July 26th Ride

From Bill DeSteph:
1) There is no cost at all.
2) This is an awareness ride. Not a race.
3) There will be 3 groups setting paces.
4) This is a fun ride.
5) You may want to get there at 0730. The ride will leave between 0800 and 0815.
6) Food is free at Kokomos.
7) There will be no adult beverages served.
8) The ride is ok for beach cruisers as well as race bikes. There will be multiple paces set.
9) There will be City employees there to answer questions before and after the ride.
Printable flier & original post.

Bill Hart on WAGM-TV Channel 8 in Maine

Our very own Bill Hart, organizer of the First Share Shore Drive Day was on TV today in Maine where he's cycling with his son.
The group is from the Merrymeeting Wheelers Bicycle Club on the group's annual tour.
Watch the 3 minute vid at

Super awesome coolio!

3 5 m p h !

Thank you!

Hit to learn more.

You travelers for Tour de VB get a discount at VB Resort Hotel

Stacey, GM, invites you stay in a suite for the Tour de Virginia Beach rate (which is $151 plus taxes).

The Resort Hotel is a short stroll by bike or walk to Kokoamos.

Virginia Beach Resort Hotel
2800 Shore Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Check Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center online.

View Larger Map


Tour de VB Sunday July 26th starts at Kokoamos & heads down Shore Drive

Councilman Bill DeSteph has set up:

Tour de VB this coming Sunday, July 26th.

Start at Kokoamos, head to Shore Drive passing First Landing State Park to Laskin Road... check details below:


Some of you from July 11th Long Ride.

Join us this Sunday July 26th at Kokoamos.


One weekaversary of SSDD 1

Sharing Shore Drive on July 11th was fun. Above all, it was safe. Thanks to all who have tragically inspired it, helped make it happen, participated & got the word out about it. I apologize in advance for undoubtedly missing some folks:
Virginia Beach Police Department
Bill Hart
Virginia Bicycling Federation
Tidewater Bicycling Association
Aimee at Kokoamos
Jim at Final Kick Sports
Fred at First Landing State Park
Whatstherename at Little Creek NAB
Stacey at VB Resort Hotel
Luis at Starbucks
Bill DeSteph
Joe Bouchard
Wes Cheney
Chris Groffman
Area Bike Shops
Kathy Adams
Shawn Day
Taste Unlimited
WAVY camera crew
John Streit
Mr. Daniel Hersh & others who've been tragically killed & injured on Shore Drive. We're determined to make Shore Drive the safest road in the city.
The Purpose of SSDD 1:
The purpose of this ride is to call attention to the need to cycle safely, to have all users of Shore Drive share it safely, to emphasize the need for bicycle lanes on the roadway, and to advocate for more equitable treatment for bicyclists in bicycle-motor vehicle crashes. Read more.
Help us on future events, please use Contact Us links in right column or Comment below.

Mark your calendar for Columbus Day Weekend.


What you get if you subscribe by email

You can subscribe to this blog using your email or RSS feeds.
Please subscribe over there in right column >

Here's a partial screen shot of what you'll see in your email:

Shore Drive Safety Initiative 2009 seeking feedback

SDSI 2009, a link about it at, is looking into making it safer to share Shore Drive in Cape Story & Cape Henry Shores Area.

Use comment area below, even anonymously, to provide feedback, ask questions, & discuss the best ways to share this area.

More about this initiative:
This safety effort started with some local residents, gained area support and traveled up through the offices of Vice Mayor Jones, Councilman Wood, and Councilman DeSteph who have collectively brought it into the light of city government and into the view of Mayor Sessoms. It is just such a great feeling to know that local government still works and responds with some efforts and some organization. We, the people, will get there safely.
Read entire article by Mr. David Williams.


Thanks to VBF for coverage of the First Share Shore Drive Day

Check out the Virginia Bicycling Federation.
View their feeds in the right column >

Donate/Join VBF.
We work to change public policy and community attitudes, to improve the safety, convenience, and acceptance of bicycling.

Sharing the Road in Virginia

From Sharing the Road in Virginia:
By walking or riding a bicycle instead of driving a motor vehicle, the Commonwealth of Virginia’s citizens reduce traffic congestion, road wear and tear, and the need for more roads and parking. When motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians know the rules and respect others’ rights and responsibilities, everyone can share the road safely.
It's an excellent resource with info including Know the Law, See & Be Seen, Links & much more.
Consulting this web site is a good place to start learning the rules and the most common safety practices for sharing Virginia’s roadways with all types of travelers.
Added to our list of links in right column under Elsewhere.

Some stills from Chris Groffman

Several stills pulled from video taken on July 11th by Chris Groffman. Please note, these were pulled unedited from video taken in our chase car & at Kokoamos.

Wait til you see the flick!

Have photos, video or anything you want to share?
Shoot us an email, in Flickr join the Share Shore Drive Group, or tag your photos/vid shareshoredrive & use #shareshoredrive in Twitter.

Much more coming soon.
Wanna help? Use email links in right column or comment below.

Please share so this doesn't happen again:


Shore Drive Safety Initiative 2009 Meeting

The 2nd meeting of City officials & concerned neighbors looking for ways to make it easier for everyone to share Shore Drive.

A recent hit & run involving a cyclist

Forwarded to us in email. Please, share your story.

Great seeing you at the bike[Share Shore Drive Day]. What a great surprise and for a great cause. I spoke with Officer Lawson tonight - the officer who responded and came to my house after the incident. First off, he has been absolutely professional. Second, my understanding is he was going to go tomorrow morning and consult with the Commonwealth Attorney to determine if they would pursue an assault charge for this guy (a felony); if not, then he would only be charged with a misdemeanor. [Again, my info may not be 100% correct interpretation but is the best as I caught it].

According to the biking community, my understanding is this should probably be, "aggravated malicious wounding." Some in the biking community were pretty livid by the idea of a 'simple assault charge.'

Yesterday, 16 June 2009, at about 6:30pm, while biking home from work, I was
the "recipient" of a hit-and-run on E Shore Drive between Pleasure House and
the Bridge Tunnel / Northampton entrance. I was fortunate to escape with only a broken hand - but was astounded because it was intentional and maliciousness.

Short version: A guy side-swiped me as he passed me, pulled in front of me and laid on his brakes, causing me to collide into the rear of his car, breaking my hand, and topple over in the middle of the street. Once I caught up with him, he drove over my bike, hitting me again, before backing up and roaring off.

Long version: As I was biking home from work, as described above, a vehicle passed uncomfortably close--close enough I mentally recorded the vehicle and wondered out loud if the driver had been drinking. At the next intersection, I passed that vehicle and a whole line of cars that had been waiting as the light turned from red to green. As the cars accelerated and passed me, I made a point to look over my left shoulder, but only in time to be side-swiped by the right front quarter panel of that same vehicle. I was knocked off balance and brought my hand down (several times) on the hood (it felt like the middle of the hood) before my backpack was clipped by the side-view mirror.

When the vehicle had passed, the driver swerved almost on to the shoulder in front of me; and laid on his brakes. I was not able to stop, slammed into the back of his car. The driver gunned the car and drove off.

Though shaken and realizing I probably sustained some injuries (since my hand was already starting to swell from the impact with the back of his car) and damage to my bike, I was able to unclip from my pedals, get back up and on the bike and began peddling after him. At the next red light I pulled in front of the vehicle, got off my bike and went to the driver's side window in an attempt to prompt him to roll down his window. I (felt like I) remained reasonably calm--I didn't knock on his window or shout any expletives.

Failing to get him to communicate, I walked back in front of the car and stood over my bike as I got my phone out and tried to turn it on to call the police (turns out my phone had a dead battery). As I looked down to note his license place the driver, to my astonishment, drove forward over my bike and actually hit me with the car (again). As I reached down and pulled my bike out from under his bumper he backed up and drove off at a high rate of speed on E Shore Drive, leaving me standing in the street with my bike.

As I turned around, I noticed a car stopped in the road in front of me. The driver explained he had seen the whole thing, had also noted his license plate and would call it in since my phone was not working.

The police informed me there were at least three other callers and at least one vehicle attempted to follow this guy for a little while. For the record, the two police officers that responded confirmed what I have been told by others about VBPD: They were extremely professional, extremely thorough and--as a result of the calls they received from other witnesses before I made it home--had already been patrolling Shore Drive looking for the vehicle.

I understand (but obviously do not agree) some drivers are frustrated by bikers and, "believe that roads are for automobiles" (PedNet Education Coordinator Robert Johnson) but the roads are a deadly place for drivers to take that frustration out. I read, and was greatly disconcerted.

Note: I have the license plate, vehicle make and color as well as a good description of the individual. However, given my perception of how high emotions are running in light of recent other tragic accidents (including Dan and another friend of mine who will most likely be paraplegic after a tour bus overtook him from behind), as well as potential legal issues I cannot even conceive--thankfully, I am not a lawyer--it is probably best to leave those details out, for now.

Note: The author is an active-duty Navy LCDR... a highly credible source.


Ended the day again with Most Comments at Pilot article

At midnight: article about SSDD is Most Commented but it dropped off Most Read list. We ended the day with 71 comments with at least a bunch pending. Apparently the Most Commented list changes around midnight as we disappeared. Currently the Most Commented has 23.

Thanks to all who kept the conversation going.

If you're comments do not get posted at the for whatever reason, feel free to share them here.

See ya sharing Shore Drive.


Join us in Flickr

We love Flickr. Share your pics & vids in our group pool.





Wes got a bunch of video from the 2 rigs on his bike. Front & back.
How much did you get?
Share your pics & vids in our group pool.

Wanna help put together Share Shore Drive Day 2?

Email either of us, check right column.

Use comments link below.

You can remain anonymous if you like.

"What would make Shore Drive Safer?" poll

Should we share the road or ban cyclists, runners & pedestrians from areas of Shore Drive?

Take the poll! It's in the right column over there >

Poll inspired by comments from this article.

WAVY video from the first Share Shore Drive Day


Cyclists rally, calling for safer Shore Drive

{NOTE: If you're comments do not get posted at the for whatever reason, feel free to share them here.}

At [Note: This link has "issues" at the Pilot's end. Keep trying if you blocked, it'll work.]

One of the comments sez:
I happen to live on Shore Drive and know for a fact that there are plenty of sidewalks AND bike/walking trails available for bike riding, as well as plenty of space on the road for bikers who want to obey the law.

Cyclists peddle for change

Thanks for WAVY for coming out today:
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Cycling for a purpose.. Today in Virginia Beach hundreds of riders pedaled along Shore Drive to send a message to city leaders. They say the stretch of road is to dangerous and they want it make safer.

"We can all use Shore Drive. It's a public space and we should do so safely," said cyclist Wes Cheney.

A few pics, more ta come

A few pics from the First Share Shore Drive Day. Many more to come. Get out and share!


What is a Share Shore Drive Day ?

It's every day.
It's sharing the road safely.
It's driving, cycling, running, walking safely.
It's looking out for everyone who shares it with you.

Sometimes, it's about all of us getting together to share.

What is a Share Shore Drive Day to you?

Want to be interviewed tomorrow?

If you want to share your story with the world about why sharing is important to you, there is at least one film crew that will be glad to interview you tomorrow.

Tell your story on camera or off.

We'd like to post all the video & audio we can get online.

Short Ride does not use Lesner Bridge

View Share Shore Drive Day Short Ride in a larger map

Cue sheet.

Need a helmet for the Short Ride ?

We have about 25 bike helmets in various sizes donated by Tidewater AAA leftover from a different event. First come first served.

For everyone's safety and in the spirit of "sharing" Shore Drive, participants are asked to obey all applicable laws

...whether cycling, walking, or running. Please be alert and courteous not only for car traffic, but also with fellow participants.

For cyclists, this includes riding on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic, and obeying posted traffic controls.

The bike rides and runs will be lead and trailed by experienced cyclists and runners. In addition, if you are in the "experienced" category, please take the time to encourage, mentor, and assist those who may be new and invite help.

The layout of the Short Ride stays close enough to the starting point to allow those needing to leave the event early to do so on their own safely.

If you do not feel comfortable riding, please come out with your neighbors to run, jog or walk.

Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Accidents In the City of Virginia Beach 2004-2007

46 page PDF from [opens in new window]

Search "cycling accidents" at


Bicyclists to rally for lower speeds on Shore Drive at

Thank you for continuing the conversation on how to share Shore Drive safely.

As of 11:35pm, there are at least 182 comments.

We were at the top:

Read & comment on article at

WTKR interview with TBA President


The city says it's done studies that show there's no need to reduce the speed limit. Now they're looking at the possibility of widening the shoulder for a bike lane.

Running, jogging or walking info

Each Saturday Morning in Virginia Beach hundreds of runners take to the trails in First Landing State Park to run and walk for fitness. Many of these runners start their trek at Final Kick Sports in the Marina Shores Shoppes. Here, they find ample, safe parking and the headquarters for the local running and cycling community. The crowds arrive at around 0715 and meet up with other folks who are going similar distances at a like kind pace. We run at 0730.

Everybody from elite runners to walkers and seasoned to newbies finds a group. The staff at Final Kick is quick to get you with a group and soon fast friends result while burning off calories at the same time.

Join us for a couple of leisurely miles or a quick paced WORKOUT.

Max & min speed limit, what is aggresive driving

Posted by request.
According to Commonwealth Law at DMV's site:
Speed Limits

A speed limit is the maximum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions. You may drive slower than the posted speed, but it is illegal to drive any faster. By law, you must drive slower if conditions make the posted speed unsafe. It is illegal to use a radar detector in Virginia. However, you may legally possess one if the device has no power source and no one in the car can access it.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is becoming a growing issue in Virginia, but, just what is aggressive driving? We've all seen it. It's the driver who speeds, weaves in an out of traffic, doesn't use turn signals and uses "hand gestures" that are less than polite.

Texting is illegal while driving & more

Read entire News Release at DMV:
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles' (DMV) Virginia Highway Safety Office encourages motorists to avoid distractions, such as texting while driving.
It is illegal to text while driving since July 1 2009.

Share YOUR Shore Drive story

Let us know about encounters, accidents, foolishness, sharing, not sharing.

Share YOUR story!
[Posting guidelines: Common sense. Comments are moderated for now.]

Article at today about SSDD

Read & comment on article at
Bicyclists plan to hold two rides on Saturday to rally support for lowering the speed limit and installing bike lanes on Shore Drive.
It's also intended to get everyone talking about sharing Shore Drive safely every day.


Cue sheet for Short Ride

We'll post a Google Map showing it as soon as possible.

Here's the cue sheet:
Start Final Kick Sports
Left Lynnhaven Drive
Right West Great Neck Road
Right Shore Drive
Right First Landing Entrance
T/O First Landing Park
S/O Visitors Center Road
Left Shore Drive
Right Jade Street
Left Page Avenue
Left Shore Drive
Right Jade Street
Right Multi-Use Bike Path
S/O Cape Henry Drive
Right West Great Neck Road
Left Lynnhaven Drive
Right Final Kick Sports Parking Lot
End Final Kick Sports
Please note that safety is our number 1 concern.
Experienced riders will also be leading and riding with this group.

July 6th letter from Bikeways & Trails Advisory Committee


Milled section paved

The Shore Drive area milled last week was paved today.
Thank you.

Shore Drive Safety Task Force recommendations

From, Shore Drive Safety Task Force recommendations presented in April 2006:
The goal of improving the level of transportation services for a wide variety of users - pedestrians of all types, cyclists, in-line skaters, varied recreational users, transit users, as well as vehicle operators - and the interrelationships between these various users and land uses in an area characterized as being first and foremost as a resort community and not as a resort destination is suggested. Accordingly, both public and private proposed development criteria need to be evaluated from a multimodal perspective to ensure that the needs of these varied users are addressed. Since increasing roadway capacity in the area has strict limits, given the City Council directive that Shore Drive remain a four lane facility for the foreseeable future, greater emphasis needs to be placed on reducing intra-corridor trip demand, particularly where non- vehicular transit among various uses in the corridor can be promoted and encouraged.


Mutual respect on the road

Read letter to the editor & follow the "Mutual respect on the road" comments at

Post your comments here too.

"Free rides aimed at awareness" in today's Beacon

Pick up the paper today to read John Streit's article on page 17:
...Golden, owner of triathlon outfitter Final Kick Sports, is as conscious of bicycling safety along the Shore Drive corridor as anyone. But in April, just days after tragedy struck, he got a poignant reminder of how dangerous pedaling on the busy thoroughfare can be.

The discussion on how to make sharing Shore Drive safer continues

From a recent email to us:

Share Shore Dr??????
Mr. Hersch made a tragic and foolhardy choice.

Would you ride on I95? It is morally irresponsible and totally reprehensible to encourage people to ride in an area such as the Shore Drive corridor until such bike paths exist that offer a SAFE riding experience.

The Shore Dr corridor is hazardous for motor vehicle traffic. I am appalled that you would even consider anything akin to encouraging people to ride a bike in such an unsafe environment.

I suggest you get legal counsel, and consider the possible civil actions that you and your group would invite should your actions result in death or injury to other cyclists.

Your efforts would be far better directed in working with the city and state to have the bike paths built.

One need only drive Shore Dr or Atlantic Ave to see many, many irresponsible and unsafe riders who court grave injury to themselves and motorists by riding unsafely in this area. I understand that you WANT to be able to ride there, it’s a beautiful spot. But the REALITY IS that it is patently UNSAFE.

Please reconsider how you expend your energies. It is INEVITABLE that this tragedy will repeat itself UNTIL a separate bike path exists.

There is no glory, or martyrdom for Mr. Hersch or subsequent victims of this foolhardy behavior.

I love to ride as much as anyone, I’m just not willing to orphan my children or sacrifice my physical well-being to do so.

Most Sincerely,

xxxxx xxxxxx


Thanks for new pavement!

Be sure to thank Public Works for the new pavement being installed today on Shore Drive at Pleasure House Rd.

As of July 3rd @ 9:18pm the pavement is still torn up on east bound lanes of Shore Drive at Pleasure House Road.

We hope to find out Monday if it will be repaved before SSDD.

Police Report about Mr. Hersh's tragic accident

Posted with permission.


bikewise compiles Crashes, hazards & threats

VBF's Twitter feed has info about bikewise:
bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards, and thefts. By sharing our experiences with each other, and with researchers and relevant agencies, we aim to make biking safer and more fun. You can help by adding your reports.
Follow Share Shore Drive Day at Twitter.
"Chat" about Share Shore Drive Day at Twitter using #shareshoredrive.

What & when is Share Shore Drive Day?

The purpose of the rides & run on July 11th is to call attention to the need to cycle safely, to have all users of Shore Drive share it safely, to emphasize the need for bicycle lanes on the roadway, and to advocate for more equitable treatment for bicyclists in bicycle-motor vehicle crashes.

Final Kick Sports
Located in the Marina Shores Shoppes between West Marine and O'Leary's Pub
Free bike safety check. FREE bike safety check Thursday & Friday.
Short Ride [does not use Lesner Bridge] & Run Start/End.
Be there by 7am.
Kokoamos Island Bar, Grill & Yacht Club
Located in the Marina Shores at Lynnhaven Drive & North Great Neck Road.
Long Ride Start/End.
Be there by 7am.
FREE BBQ for everyone starts about 10am on deck.
Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center
Located at 2800 Shore Drive
Has suites at a discount.
Suites available for Friday & Saturday.
Pedestriate! Be a pedestrian & get out & walk.
Come out to Final Kick Sports.
Any time you want.

All bicycle riders must wear an approved cycling helmet, carry adequate personal identification, not wear headphones, and obey all traffic laws. Riders less than age 18 must be accompanied on the ride by a parent/guardian or a designated adult rider.

Tidewater Bicycle Association Ride Roster. [1pg PDF from TBA's site.]

Learn more about the purpose of SSDD.

Two-wheel protest Letter to the Editor

Read letter to the editor & follow the "Two-wheel protest" comments at

Post your comments here if you'd rather not register at to comment.


Article in this Sunday's Beacon

Thanks to John Streit, a Freelance Sportswriter who works around Hampton Roads and Northeastern N.C., for writing an article about SSDD in this Sunday's Beacon.

John's email.


Join us for the Invocation before the Long Ride at Kokoamos

Administrative Pastor Jack Eling of Trinity Church will be doing the invocation at about 7:25am.

Trinity Church currently holds their services at First Baptist Church at 35th and Holly.


SSDD printable fliers available

Feel free to print them, post them on your site, just share 'em!

Link to PDF for printing. [will open in new window]

Click for larger GIF version. Use it on your website, crop it, shrink it, share it.


Final Kick Sports doing FREE safety inspections + 15% off repairs

They will do FREE bike safety inspections on Thursday & Friday before the ride.
That's July 9th & 10th.

Jim says:
Bring in your bike and let us know you're doing the SSDD ride and our bike experts will make sure you are set to go. Bike repairs and labor will be discounted 15% for participants. We encourage you not to wait until Saturday morning to have your bike checked out!

Final Kick is located in Marina Shore Shoppes at Lynnhaven Drive & N. Great Neck Road.

6.19.2009 now works. No need to use lengthy "" link.

Bill on HearSay with Cathy Lewis today

He's on from noon to 1pm:
Friday, June 19 Bike Safety
In our conversation on summer safety earlier this month we were overwhelmed by calls about bike safety. We revisit the topic today and talk about ways to stay safe when you hit the road with fewer than four wheels.
Link to MP3 audio to hear show broadcast June 19th.
HearSay with Cathy Lewis at WHRO which includes her iTunes Podcast, Facebook, On Demand links. We'll post the hot link to the show once it's available.
Bill was on previously on June 1st.


Virginia Beach Resort Hotel providing deal on rooms

Great place to stay nearby!
Virginia Beach Resort Hotel & Conference Center has 10 suites July 10th & 11th available at the discounted rate of $151/+taxes per night.

Please call 1.800.468.2722 or the GM, Stacey, directly at 757-481-9000
ext. 2001 for reservations.

Thanks to Stacey Patrick & the team at the VBR&CC for supporting SSDD.


Prefer not to ride the entire route ?

We're adding a shorter ride that will end just before heading over the Lesner Bridge.

It'll be marked on the map below, and you can add your email address to automatically be notified in the right column when we post the info >


The Spoken e-Word at Tidewater Bicycle Association

Joining the Tidewater Bicycle Association is easier than ever!
Why Join? Participation in TBA scheduled group rides provides the incentive to get out and enjoy healthful cycling exercise. It beats back the occasional depression bouts we all experience. Some lose weight and never find it again. We end up HAPPY!

The purpose of SSDD

On April 19, 2009, Dan Hersh was killed when his bicycle was hit from behind on Shore Drive by an SUV. This is the latest of a string of fatal accidents involving bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles. Also, numerous other individuals have been injured, riding their bicycles or walking and running on Shore Drive.

The 2004 Bikeways & Trails Plan had input for "Desired Bicycle Routes" and "[t]he Northampton Boulevard/Shore Drive corridor was ranked #1 more than 2 to 1 over other routes listed." Also, in recent months, both Cape Henry and Cape Story Civic Leagues have requested that the speed limit on Shore Drive be reduced from 45 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour in their neighborhood.

In view of this, Virginia Bicycling Federation, Tidewater Bicycle Association, and Kokoamos Island Bar, Grill & Yacht Club, which is very concerned about the safety of its patrons, have decided to sponsor Share Shore Drive Day. Bicyclists will ride on Shore Drive between Lake Shores Road (aka Helicopter Road at Little Creek NAB), Kokoamos and First Landing State Park.

The purpose of this ride is to call attention to the need to cycle safely, to have all users of Shore Drive share it safely, to emphasize the need for bicycle lanes on the roadway, and to advocate for more equitable treatment for bicyclists in bicycle-motor vehicle crashes.

The ride will take place on Saturday July 11, starting at 7:30 AM. Participants should be there at least 20 minutes early. The speed of the ride will be between 10 and 12 miles per hour, so that cyclists of all levels will be able to participate.