Last SSDD was in 2010

Please visit, the Shore Drive Community Coalition website.

SSDD2010 July 17th

Thanks to everyone who participated.

With your help, we've made sharing Shore Drive a little safer.

+ blog starts below +


Do you think LED Billboards on Shore Drive will be too much of a distraction?

A comment including links to various info showing LED Billboards are distracting at
Electronic billboards attract attention and therefore distract drivers. The number one cause of accidents is distraction and the number one cause of distraction is an outside person, object or event (like a digital sign).
What do you think?

More at about LED Billboards.
Full disclosure: I am also an Editor at


SB517 still alive would ban use of cell phones unless used in hands free mode

From Virginia Bicycling Federation:
…and one bill still alive that we have been supporting, which is SB517, Sen Norment’s (from Williamsburg) bill which would ban the use of cell phones by the drivers of moving vehicles, unless they are operated in hands free mode.
Virginia General Assembly Legislative Information System.
Direct link to SB 517 history as it moves through the process.


Recap of Legislative Session from Bruce Drees

Read the entire recap at Virginia Bicycling Federation - Three Feet to Pass — Why Such Resistance?:
These changes were spurred by a desire to bring state code in line with contemporary safe separation practices. In addition, we had hoped to make some progress in addressing incidents in recent years where Virginia’s criminal justice system turned its back on us. If you think that running over a bicyclist or pedestrian is illegal in Virginia, think again.
Here are some of the objections raised, with my response to each:

“Bicyclists are often law breakers, unworthy of any added protection under the law.”

“Bicyclists should police themselves before coming in asking for added legal protections.”

HB1048 was to add a 3 foot passing rule & make it illegal to tail gate a bicycle:
The bill was supported by the City of Virginia Beach, Fairfax Country, Drive Smart, VA Motorcycle Dealers Assn and others. It was not opposed in person by any group in either of the committee or subcommittee hearings. In a separate action, the Senate voted 40Y-0N the week before to approve the 3 ft passing law change provided in SB566.
View the vote tally at The Hampton Roads Cyclist.


HB 1048, Three Foot Passing & Following Too Closely FAILED by a 54 – 43 vote

From article:

Del. John Cosgrove, R-Chesapeake, countered that the measure would force motorists into the oncoming lane, making the roads less safe.

“Will there be a 4-foot bill next year?” he asked. “We’re just looking for trouble here.”

From Virginia Bicycling Federation:
As soon as the roll call voting is posted I will forward it along and will urge everyone to contact their delegates expressing disappointment if they voted Nay and thanking them if they voted For the bill.


House Trans Com passing of 3ft law article at update

The discussion at the article includes 45 comments as of the time of this post.

They include:
Proper legislation and law enforcement for both drivers and cyclists will encourage us all to share the road.
The point is to recognize a safe passing distance between a car and a bike.
The issue at hand is that this area needs more transportation options than private motor vehicles.
We've lost sight of commom sense and decency toward each other. We're all in such a hurry to get - where? Where is the emergency? Why can't we all just share the road?

Increased education for both cyclists and motorists is also required to help diffuse tensions. Starting with an extra foot of space is not going to kill anyone, in fact, it may save a life.

"Currently, there are 16 states that have passed a law requiring motorists give cyclists three feet when passing. Safety is the number one reason for passing this law. The law protects both cyclists and motorists."
To continue the discussion, please visit the article at , use the Comment area below, or use @shareshoredrive at Twitter.

House to vote on HB1048 / 3 Foot Passing, please contact your Legislator to support

From Virginia Bicycling Federation:
The strongest anti-cycling sentiment was expressed by Del. Cosgrove of Chesapeake, Del. Knight of Virginia Beach, who clearly voted against the bill, along with Del. Villanueva of Va Beach, even though the representative of that City and Bruce Drees of the Tidewater Bicycling Assn. both spoke in favor of it.

Now its on to the Full House floor (either on Saturday or Monday), where Chairman Joe May of Loudon (who also appeared to vote against the bill) wished our patron, Kaye Kory, a good-natured “Good luck on the floor” after he announced the result of the voting.

Now, we need EVERYONE to contact their delegate. If you don’t know who it is, you can find out at the VA General Assembly’s Who’s My Legislator page…

House Transportation Committee approves 3 foot rule

Great news!

From coverage:
After hearing testimony that 11 bicyclists were killed in crashes with cars last year, the House Transportation Committee approved a bill this morning to increase the required clearance when passing a bicycle from 2 to 3 feet.
One committee member, Del. Barry Knight, R-Virginia Beach, suggested that “bicyclists ought to police themselves.”

3 Foot Passing rule moves to full House Transportation Committee

More information at VBF's site including contact info for Legislators:
HB 1048 Three Foot Passing was reported out of House Transportation Sub Comm 2 this morning by a 4-2 vote, with only Del. Garrett & Chairman Carrico voting against, and Rust absent. All of the discussion had to do with the 3 foot passing section; the following too closely section did not attract any attention.
Additional info about the importance of this legislation:
This bill would help educate motor vehicle drivers to pass the drivers of any non-motorized vehicle (including a bicycle) with a wider margin of error and thereby reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries to these legal and legitimate road users.


Join us June 12th for this year's Share Shore Drive Day

Much more info to follow.

Please consider donating to The Daniel Wayne Hersh Memorial Fund at VBF:
VBF will dedicate these funds for bicycling education initiatives within Virginia–targeting motorists, law enforcement personnel, and/or bicyclists–with the goal of decreasing the incidence of future bicycling tragedies within our state.


VA Senate passes Bill requiring motorists to pass a bike by at least 3 feet

Full Senate passed SB566, the 3 foot passing Bill, yesterday by a 40 - 0 vote. Now the bill takes a week off, & crosses over to House Transportation during the week of 2/15.

SB566 at Richmond Sunlight:

Careless driving; following too closely; passing other vehicles. Creates the offense of careless driving as a Class 3 misdemeanor. The bill also adds bicycles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, electric power-assisted bicycles, and mopeds to the list of vehicles that the driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow more closely than is reasonable. Also increases passing distance from two to three feet.
You can also follow the history of the Bill there too.