Last SSDD was in 2010

Please visit, the Shore Drive Community Coalition website.

SSDD2010 July 17th

Thanks to everyone who participated.

With your help, we've made sharing Shore Drive a little safer.

+ blog starts below +


House Trans Com passing of 3ft law article at update

The discussion at the article includes 45 comments as of the time of this post.

They include:
Proper legislation and law enforcement for both drivers and cyclists will encourage us all to share the road.
The point is to recognize a safe passing distance between a car and a bike.
The issue at hand is that this area needs more transportation options than private motor vehicles.
We've lost sight of commom sense and decency toward each other. We're all in such a hurry to get - where? Where is the emergency? Why can't we all just share the road?

Increased education for both cyclists and motorists is also required to help diffuse tensions. Starting with an extra foot of space is not going to kill anyone, in fact, it may save a life.

"Currently, there are 16 states that have passed a law requiring motorists give cyclists three feet when passing. Safety is the number one reason for passing this law. The law protects both cyclists and motorists."
To continue the discussion, please visit the article at , use the Comment area below, or use @shareshoredrive at Twitter.